90% of Bad Breath Comes from the Tongue
Bacteria thrive in biofilms that develop in the nooks and crannies of your tongue. These bacteria release odors that you can’t smell, but those around you can. Since mouthwash doesn’t effectively reach these bacteria, removing them manually is the only way to neutralize them!
Why Not Tongue Scrapers?
Why a Tongue Scraper is Not the Best Tool for the Job
Tooth brushes are designed for the teeth and gums, the TUNG Brush and Gel is designed to clean the tongue. Scrapers are designed to remove frost from your windshield.
Tongue scrapers have been around for centuries and were a great idea 2,000 years ago when there were no other choices. Yes, even then people knew the tongue needed to be cleaned.
Why Use TUNG?
Using a tongue brush is more important than you think.
Clinical research proves that 90% of bad breath comes from gases produced by bacteria on the surface of the tongue! These are the same bacteria and gasses that can lead to gum disease.
Tongue Brushing World Wide
Tongue brushing is catching on as the best way to get rid of bad breath all over the globe. Check out our Instagram to see some of the creative and inventive ways countries around the world are getting excited about clean mouths and fresh breath.